
Visual Art Artist

Avant Grade Painter


Visual Art Artist

Avant Grade Painter

Myth Collection 2020

  • Created By: Mahshad Shakeri
  • Size: 16.5 x 15
  • Date: 2020
  • Categories: Myth

Myth collection      2020

The story is that there were people down in the depths who weren’t yet really people, who didn’t even know they were people. One of them breaks a taboo that nobody knew was a taboo, and the floodwaters begin coming in. They have to ascend, to get out by a rope through the hole in the ceiling of the world — and then they are in another world. In one story, the shamans become aggressive in their thinking and insult the sun and moon, which then disappear, so everybody is in the dark.


(Joseph Campbell – The Power of myth)